Sir Victor Uwaifo – Joromi Mp3 Download

Indeed, Legends can’t get enough accolades! I remember how we used to sit round grandpa’s turn table back in the days. Whenever he is happy, done Stacking his yams, he would treat us to some old and interesting sounds using his most treasured musical equipment.
At other times, he would put on his big ass White colored TV Set and have us watching Bonny M and his musical group!
Grandpa’s love for Sir Victor Uwaifo was never understood till later in the days when we read about the story behind Sir Uwaifo’s Joromi (Track released way back in 1965) which actually won gold disc in Africa.
I am suddenly beginning to miss grandpa and i don’t want to cry today!
Please enjoy Sir Victor Uwaifo’s Joromi below
[goplayer audio=”″ name=”Joromi” artist=”Sir Victor Uwaifo”]

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